Τρίτη 3 Ιουλίου 2018


"Imagination is one of the most important things a basketball player have. If you don't have an imagination, then it's very difficult to recognize and anticipate."

"You know, there are so many things you (players) do wrong that you can correct yourself if you just concentrate."

"We're the teacher and the kids are the students. And if we haven't taught them exactly what to do then we can't expect them to do those things that they haven't been taught. That's what the practice floor is all about."

"More than anything else, I'm a strong believer that the structure of your practice is the singularly most determining reason for your success or lack of success as a coach."

"Playing this game is a matter of thinking better then the other guy does. It's not a matter of you being bigger or quicker or stronger or anything. It's a matter of you thinking better."

"If we can become quicker mentally, if we can recognize things quicker, anticipate quicker, then we automatically become quicker physically."

"If we don't force our players to react to things: if we don't put them in tough situations, then it's our fault they can't react to them in ball game."

"The tougher the guy is to keep off of the board, the harder it is to keep him off the backbaord, the more he goes after the ball, the better offensive rebounder he is going to be."

"I think it is important anytime you're involved with starting out a practice session, you do something really quick, snappy ball handling drill."

"That's how simple this game is. If you can catch it and you can hold it, you can play this game."

"I think the biggest waste of time in any practice situation is free shooting. We at no time allow our players to do any free shooting. Shooting work is controlled, it's competitive, there is pressure involved in one form or another."

"Anytime you are working in a competitive shooting situation, you're doing more for the shooter then allow him to shoot on his own."

"Don't take a good shot and turn it into a bad play. That's the worse thing you can do on offense."